Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Love List: May Edition...

My Favorite Friend, My Favorite Golden Gal and
10 More Favorites That Made My May Marvelous!

1. Fuerza Bruta
If you know me, you know that I am obsessed with Arrested Development, Marina and the Diamonds and a little show called Fuerza Bruta. (If you're lucky, you've heard about at least one of these! If you wanna be my BFF, you've heard of and love all three!) My friend Derek took me to see this spectacle when I was in New York back in 2008. It's very hard to explain. It's a performance art piece that combines music, lights, dance, water and audience participation for starters. When I found out that a traveling version of the show was going to be in Chicago the same time as my planned vacation-- I was sold. (Hell, I knew this would be taking the #1 spot back in April.) The show did not disappoint on my second helping, in fact it got better. I was selected for a little dance off with one of the cast members amidst a Styrofoam snowstorm. And later I wasn't afraid to get a little wet. (Hint, hint!) If you ever have the chance. You must see this show. I'm up for a third visit! And a forth... and a fifth... and a.....

2. Fixin To Thrill
by Dragonette
Dragonette is my newest iPod obsession. It was recommended to me by Demetri, a friend who has a good ear for great music. Actually, a lot of my favorite artists are brought to my attention by two specific people... and they both just so happen to earn a shout out on this month's List. I can thank them for turning me onto the likes of Little Boots and Frankmusik. (Scroll down to #7 for Nike's groovy play list/shout-out.)
For the record Demetri, my official favorite songs are... Easy, Pick Up the Phone, We Rule The World, Big Sunglasses, Come On Be Good, Okay Dolores, Fixin To Thrill, Liar, oh what the hell... Gone To Far, Stupid Grin, You're a Disaster and Don't Be Funny... The whole album is amazing!

3. Lisa Kudrow in Web Therapy
She was great in Friends. She was even greater in The Opposite of Sex. Then the 'greatest bar' was set so high in HBO's little known The Comeback. (Note to self, after a long day at work, I DO wanna see that!) Well as you can see I clearly love the hilarious Ms. Kudrow. That's why I was delighted to stumble on her new Internet series called Web Therapy. Lisa plays Fiona Wallice, a therapist whose three-minute sessions with clients take place over iChat webcam. (She thinks the standard hour-long sessions give them too much leeway to talk about irrelevant things.) This IMPROVISED show clearly showcases her amazing gift of comedy (along with many A-List guest star's talents as well! Ever heard of Julia Louis Dreyfus, Jane Lynch and Courtney Cox?) Plus the webisodes are short and gets right too the funny. So schedule yourself some sessions and check it out HERE.

4. Memorial Day Weekend
in Chicago
I visited Chicago over Halloween last year and had a blast. (Aaaaah, zombies on a train!) I figured it might be time for a re-visit, only perhaps over a warmer holiday weekend. Well, my second trip to the windy city didn't disappoint. Even though it was unseasonably warm for most of the trip, it was nice not having to bundle up and for the most part I got to leave the umbrella packed (minus the Sunday morning thunderstorm.) The only regret I have is I wasn't my usual snap-happy-self and didn't take many photos. Next time I'll do much better! Oh and almost missing my flight back home. I guess the Universe wanted me to stay in Chicago a little longer. If only I had listened... Until next time. Stay classy Chicago!

5. SNL's Women of Comedy Episode
Starring Betty White
featuring Tina Fey, Amy Poehler,
Molly Shannon,
Mya Rudolph,
Rachel Dratch
and Anna Gasteyer
For the record, I was on the Facebook campaign for Betty to host Saturday Night Live long before it became trendy. There was so much buzz leading up to it and when the date finally arrived, boy did America's (88-years-young) sweetheart knock it out of the park. She was in every skit, and honestly the most impressive thing was just how game Betty was. (Mmmmm... Muffins!) Funny, crude and sweet. It was the best episode in ages. Probably since the whole Tina Fey as Palin genius during the '08 election... speaking of which, all of my all-time favorite SNL veterans came back to lend their support for this much hyped event. So much talent on one stage. Now if only they'd come back every week (Betty included), I might start watching SNL again.

6. Edie Falco
I loved her in The Sopranos, she was my favorite on the show. Well, I finally got around to checking out her new project, Nurse Jackie (via Netflix, of course!). While the show is good, it hasn't become an instant (must-watch-just-one-more-episode-even-though-it's-midnight) hit like Dexter or Weeds-- but the momentum is building to that level. Edie deserves major praise for her portrayal of a pill-popping nurse with flaws, but ultimately a good (albeit flawed) heart. I can't see wait is in store at All Saint's Hospital in Season 2. Me senses some major drama in her future.

7. 'Hipster Relief Spring' Playlist
Like Demetri (See: #2), my pal Nike has always been the go-to guy for music suggestions. He's created some killer seasonal play lists, with accompanying cool cover art (See: Above) Out of the many offerings, I'm currently obsessed with singles from Jamaica, Robyn, Sky Ferreira, VV Brown, Miike Snow, Kate Nash, Jack PeƱate, Delorean, donkeyboy, The New Pornographers, Ellie Goulding, The Morning Benders and Two Door Cinema Club. PHEW! and that's only half of them! Can't wait to see what he has in store for Summer, it'll be hard to top this one!

8. Google's Interactive PacMan Logo
This wasn't the first time a Google logo has made an appearance on the Love List. Remember last year's tribute to Sesame Street? But it was definitely the most fun Google logo to date! Now, what blast from my childhood past is next?

9. Sherlock Holmes
Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law were great (and hot) in this fun popcorn flick!

10. Sugar Free JELL-O Cups
I have working hard at droppin' the pounds over the past couple months. This tasty treat usually hit the spot when I started to crave [ FILL IN THE BLANK ] but still had the will power to stick to my diet. I'm not saying it'll ever take the place of my favorite Cookies n' Creme candy bars, but as I continue on my weight loss journey there's always room for J-E-L-L--O!

11. King of the Hill
Last month it was the Bluth's keeping me company as I drifted off dream land. After I wrapped up that series (for the upteenth time) it was the Hill's turn for nightly bedtime viewing. I tell ya whut, I always enjoyed Hank, Peggy, Bobby and LuAnne during their original run on Fox, but it's nice to catch up once again. There are some classic episodes. Some people count sheep, I on the other hand apparently just watch sitcoms via Netflix.

12. Downtown SLC's Newly
Remodelled Walmart
For the record, I am not a big Walmart fan, but I admit that I do shop there from time to time. What can I say? I like rolled-back prices! With a rival neighbor Target opening date quickly approaching, Walmart needed to freshen up to compete for downtown's customers. And I have to say that the changes have greatly improved the store's appearance and maybe took a way a bit of the stigma, while adding a drop of class. At least maybe I can leave the disguise at home. On a related note, Target opens in October!

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