Monday, April 1, 2013

Spring Break Sleep-Over...

Several months ago I promised the girls they could have another Salt Lake sleep over during their Spring Break from school.  Flash-forward to April and I got to be a man of my word. Not that they really gave me a choice.  After Sunday family dinner we packed up in my SUV and headed to the city.  We made a pit stop at the grocery store for snacks and picked up Wreck It Ralph.  We (they) stayed up way past our bed time finally crashing around 2:00am.  The next day we went on a mini-shopping spree at Target followed by a fun afternoon at Liberty Park. It was overcast that day, which meant we had pretty much the whole place to ourselves.  It was a great day with my girls.  Needless to say, once their mom picked them up... I passed out.  Until Summer Break when they've reserved for another sleep over!

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