Monday, November 28, 2011

Into The Wild...

For the record I am not anti-real trees, I just find my artificial ones in my basement far more convenient (and already paid for). Besides, they're already up and twinkling beautifully. I like to get a head start on the holidays, what can I say? However, just because I'm done with mine, doesn't mean that I wasn't all for heading to the mountains of Wyoming (on Saturday) with friends as they searched for the perfect pine. (You didn't think I wouldn't take the opportunity to post that scene from National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, now would you?) It was actually a lot of fun and the perfect day. Sunshine and glorious... plus the hike in the snow was a great workout, especially after stuffing my face at Thanksgiving the day before. I think we started a tradition though. Who knows, maybe next year I'll join the real-tree bandwagon! Or at least go along for the ride.

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