Tuesday, June 28, 2011

♥LIST: June Edition...

{1}Book of Mormon
Musical 'Soundtrack'
You may have heard a little something about this record breaking-much-raved about-Tony award winning new Broadway musical this month. Not to toot my own horn or anything, but it has been on my radar for a long while now. (Just sayin'.) Sadly, I have no immediate trips to the Big Apple planned (nor a extra $487 lying around) so when the tunes from the smash hit became available on iTunes I gobbled it up like a big bowl of green Jell-o with carrot sprinkles. (Sorry, Mormon joke.) Hearing this brilliant and hysterical music will just have to hold me over until I get to actually see it. I can't recommend it enough, by golly, it is perfection.*
*Unless you won't watch South Park, are not a fan of cussin' or don't have the ability to laugh at yourself. If that is the case, please pass over this entry and skip directly to #2.

{2}My Extreme Home Makeover
Last month I debated on whether to extend my apartment's lease or move. I really needed something new to kick-start my life and wondered if it was time for a change of address. Due to a lack of any affordable/decent alternatives-- the choice was made for me. I decided to stay put a little while longer. My need for cha-cha-changes however was still there. So I did the next best thing; rearrange and redecorate. I love the new feel of my home-sweet-home. Bonus: Not having to come up with a security deposit or pack any boxes. Huzzah! 'AFTER' photos will be shared soon so stay tuned. Or just come by and see it for yourself.
Editors Note: Pop-ins not allowed.

{3}How The States Got Their Shapes
This is the kind of History Channel program that I love. (Don't even get me started on those American-Picking-Ax-Men-and-the-Swamp-People-of-Gangland loads of crap. Ugh!) HTSGTS is fascinating, informative and quite addictive history lesson. It's the kind of stuff we should have been taught in school. Finally, the History channel lives up its name. And hot host Brian Unger isn't too shabby either. U-S-A! U-S-A!

{4}Antelope Island
Welcome to Salt Lake's City's own little salty oasis.
(Just remember to pack the bug spray!)

I don't think you realize just how much I loved this classic TV show when I was a young'n. We are talking about one of my very first official obsessions. This month I've been watching Season One thanks to Netflix and it's been fun getting reacquainted with Officers Baker and Ponch a couple decades later. Yup, they've still got it!

{6}Show Me The Light
by Mystery Jets
This song was featured on my friend Nike's famous Hipster Relief playlist last November. Flash forward a half-of-a-year later, and I rediscovered this little ditty in my iTunes. For some reason or another I've been addicted to it the last several weeks and enjoyed its spot on a on heavy rotation loop. Love. Light. Listen.

{7}Dear Photograph
I was obsessed with this website from the first time I stumbled upon it and it's easy to see why. Readers can submit "pictures of their pictures from the past in the present." So cool! See it HERE. And check it often; lots of updates. P.S. Keep your eyes out for a entry or two by yours truly. I've got some great ideas brewing. I just need to get out and start snapping.

{8}Craig Ferguson's
"Does This Need To Be Said?"

I rarely get to watch this host's late-late night talk show, but after stumbling upon his recent stand-up comedy special [via Netflix], I was reminded what a funny mother hugger he is. I was rolling with laughter with each and every uncensored joke and F bomb. (and there are many!) Needless to say-- special is NSFM. Otherwise, check it out and enjoy! Available on Netflix: Instant Watch. Rated 'R.'.. for 'R'EALLY bloody funny.

{9}Pride Sunday
It's the most wonderful day of the year... at least in Utah anyway.

{10}Tony Awards Host:
Neil Patrick Harris

Is there anything he can't do? No stranger to the Love List, NPH is one of the hardest working, most talented actors in show business today. (Oh, and did I forget... charming as hell?!) I think he should be required to host every Awards Show for the foreseeable future. His Tony's opening number alone was hysterically divine. It's great to see a child actor that didn't get ruined by Hollywood, and is now one of it's brightest stars.

{11}Retro Packaging
Maybe just because I'm getting up there in age, but I totally am obsessed with the vintage package design trend that seems to be going around lately. Every time I see a new retro-product, it makes me feel all warm and nostalgic inside. Old is the new New.

{12}Ira Glass
Honestly, I was unfamiliar with Ira Glass when my friend Jake invited me to hear him speak last weekend, but after a few Google and Youtube searches I realized that Mr. Glass was right up my alley. He is a entertaining and captivating radio personality and an NPR favorite. After spending an evening with him, I was hooked. I can't wait to check out more from This American Life, which he hosts and produces. Good stuff, people!

{13}Mary and Max
This surely isn't your little niece's animated feature. Mary and Max is the the story of two unlikely pen pals; a lonely 8-year-old Australian, Mary Daisy Dinkle and Max Jerry Horowitz, an obese New Yorker with mental health issues. The movie covers such themes as childhood neglect, teasing, loneliness, Asperger's Syndrome, suicide, obesity, depression and anxiety. (See I told you that it wasn't THAT kind of cartoon!) That being said, I loved this adorable, creative and charming look at friendship. Plus I simply adore claymation. it is one of my favorite mediums in film. Available on Netflix: Instant Watch.

{14}EW's June Cover-Boys
Thank you Entertainment Weekly.
Thank you.

{15}The State of New York
(Now more than ever!)

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