Saturday, August 31, 2013

LOVELIST: August Edition...

I'm officially a 'spouse', at least on the Costco record books anyway!  After a year without any membership, my friend Shila finally renewed hers.  Even better, she added me to the account, so I can go anytime I need/want to satisfy my bulk needs.  (As long as I promised to accompany her and carry her bottled water when needed, that is.)  

As this brilliant series winds down, we all know it's not going to end well for Walter White ... or actually anyone else for that matter.  Drugs are bad m'kay. I'm gonna miss Breaking Bad, but that being said, I'm glad it's ending in it's prime and is leaving me wanting more. (Unlike other former-favorite drugcentric Weeds) So yah, I'm hooked; an addict. But then again, if you have good taste, so are you.  And now we're being forced to quit cold turkey.  Cue the withdrawal shakes.

Speaking of drugs... We're the Millers was another favorite of mine this month.  The raunchy comedy follows a low level drug dealer, a stripper, a gutter punk, and a 'special' kid (oh, and their 'weed baby') as they pose as an all American wholesome family and bring a 'smidge' of pot across the Mexican border.  This was easily one of the funniest movies I've seen in the theater so far this year.

These current pop queens and indie gal's newest singles got me moving and excited for all of their respective upcoming albums debuting later this Fall.  I give my Applause and I Roar... but Invisible was technically my favorite tune of the three.   Here's hoping that Annie can find a bit more mainstream success, she deserves it!  Girl power!

Where does one acquire minions of their own. 
'Cuz I want some. (I don't think Mit and Mo would mind..)

I know this may come as a shock, but prior to this month I was a Chipotle virgin.  After enjoying the yummy Burrito Bowl, I question what took me so long to get my ass through their door. I also got to check out the new Sugarhouse burger joint The Habit on another splurge day. Reasonably priced and quite delicious.  The Universe's continued attempts to keep me fat are working.  Nom nom nom. 

The creativity in this Syfy reality competition blows me away!  Season 5 (which brings back former contestants to face off against the newbies) is no different than the previous four.  It's amazing what a bunch of plaster, foam, latex, makeup, paint, wigs can do in the right talented hands.

Dare I say it?...

Okay, I said it. 
And I meant it.

It's a Tina Fey flick.  Need I say more?  Okay, Admission is a charming, sweet and funny story of A Princeton admissions officer who is up for a major promotion takes a professional risk after she meets a college-bound alternative school kid who just might be the son she gave up years ago in a secret adoption.  But like I said.  Tina Fey flick.  Approved!

For my niece's 8th birthday I decided to create a memory photo book gift for her.  I've become a huge fan of Shutterfly over the years,  (I also make yearly calendars for the family) and even though the projects can take days(!) to complete, the finished product always results in an amazing keepsake.  

How on earth did I miss this charming 2003 Tim Burton flick for so long?!  I simply adored it. Do yourself a favor and check out Big Fish on Netflix: Streaming if like me, you've somehow overlooked it for ten years now.

I would kick so much ass on this show.  I soooo wanna play silly fun games with the likes of Amy Poehler(!) Molly Shannon, Aubrey Plaza, Lisa Kudrow, Maya Rudolph and Kristin Chenoweth.  (Clearly, I have a thing for talented hilarious women!)  Plus after taking home the $25,000 check, I know we'd all hit it off marvelously and be BFFs forever.  A boy can dream can't he?

So a funny thing happened, while downloading a bunch of music into my iTunes for my niece's birthday present iPod, I discovered (as embarrassing as it may be to admit) I really enjoyed Selena Gomez's new album(!)  It makes for the perfect cardio soundtrack at the gym when I want to give my data hogging Pandora radio a break.  But let's just keep this fact our little secret.

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