Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Monster Ball 2011...

Last May when I purchased tickets to the Monster Ball, I thought April 19, 2011(!) would never get here-- talk about a lesson in patience. Well it FINALLY did. I met my friend Hilaree (who ventured all the way down from Boise) for a delicious dinner at my new SLC fave The Wild Grape, after which we made our way to the E.S.A.
The Scissor Sisters opened the show shortly after 8:00pm. Of course they were fan-frukin-tastic! (Like I knew it would be-- I've been a big fan for years!) My only complaint was their set was far to short. However, considering they weren't even on the tour when I bought tickets, their presence was a delightful bonus. (Two must see bands for the price of one! SCORE!) After a quick refill and a potty break it was time for Mother Monster herself. Gaga was beyond amazing. She is a true performer and the crowd ate up every bit. I was on such a high running on pure adrenaline (and possibly acting a fool) but it was more fun than I've had in ages. Once the show wrapped we headed to JAM for a nightcap-- where the shenanigans continued. I'm so glad that I got to experience this show with my gal Hilaree. I can think of no other Little Monster I'd rather go wild with. When the next morning rolled around, I realized that I completely lost my voice, and took several days to recover... but man it was worth it! Wha-what!

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