Each year my Ogden friends Brett and Mike throw a fantastic Halloween bash. So good in fact it's worth the drive all the way up to O-town. While the hosts (and some of their friends took a more Sister Wives themed direction with their look... I had another killer television costume idea on the brain. I've wanted to dress up like Dexter for at least two seasons now, and this year I finally made it happen. Armed with my bag oh tricks (just the usual chopped up body, syringe and bloody knife... and I even convinced We-Hate-Halloween Jake and Garrett to be my victims.) (See photo below for their amazing transformation!) I was first concerned upon arrival when I was greeted at the door with a "There's another Dexter already here. With a victim." but after meeting Dexter 2.0 and his amazingly superior latest kill (we'll call her Lila!) I was pleased so share the spotlight with my fellow lovable serial killer twin. You know it's a great costume when there's two of you! The party was great.. oh and my other TV Land BFF Liz Lemon also showed up. You know I'm in heaven when I can quote 30 Rock all night long. I look forward to this party each year, and can't wait until next year. Dexter out.
Dexter, Jackie and Dustin (Dexter 2.0)
Brother Mike and Sister Brett (1st Wife)
When Mr. Morgan Met Ms. Lemon (Emilie)
Victim 1 and Victim 2 (until they were recast)
I'm gonna get on EW.com Dammit!!
Mr. Maverick (Jeff)
Tonight's TV Listing: Sister Wives, Dexter and 30 Rock.
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