Best. Glee. Guest. Star. Of. The. Season.
It was like I was in the writing room casting this role myself. Hello!? Eddie!? Pure GENIUS! The Halloween Rocky Horror Glee Show episode alone was worth the top spot on the list alone. Sorry to all the other entries, you can just go home now. Thanks for playing. Boy I had great taste as a tween-- (I wish I still had that poster! And for the record, Candace Cameron was just a cover.) Team Uncle Jesse 4Eva!
Now that I'm caught up on True Blood and (the past seasons of) Dexter, it was time to turn my attention to my other favorite gritty cable drama, Breaking Bad. With an impending baby arrival, an expanding and even more dangerous drug trade -- oh and a terminal illness-- you won't believe the ride Season 2 takes you on. It's gonna be a bumpy one for old Walt White. You'll be hooked every moment. I know I'm addicted... Bring on Season 3, I need my fix.
Nominated (by me) as one of Entertainment Weekly's 'Pop Culture Costumes of the Year.' Fingers crossed... You don't want to make Dexter mad after all.
"Homosexuality is a sin. Homosexuals are doomed to spend eternity in Hell. If they wanted to change, they could be healed of their evil ways. If they would turn away from temptation, they could be normal again if only they would try and try harder if it doesn't work. These are all the things I said to my son Bobby when I found out that he was gay. When he told me he was a homosexual my world fell apart. I did everything I could to cure him of his sickness. Eight months ago my son jumped off a bridge and killed himself. I deeply regret my lack of knowledge about gay and lesbian people. I see that everything I was taught and told was bigotry and de-humanizing slander. If I had investigated beyond what I was told, if I had just listened to my son when he poured his heart out to me, I would not be standing here today with you filled with regret. I believe that God was pleased with Bobby's kind and loving spirit. In God's eyes kindness and love are what it's all about. I didn't know that each time I echoed eternal damnation for gay people, each time I referred to Bobby as sick and perverted and a danger to our children. His self esteem and sense of worth were being destroyed. And finally his spirit broke beyond repair. It was not God's will that Bobby climbed over the side of a freeway overpass and jumped directly into the path of an eighteen-wheel truck, which killed him instantly. Bobby's death was the direct result of his parent's ignorance and fear of the word gay. He wanted to be a writer. His hopes and dreams should not have been taken from him but they were. There are children, like Bobby, sitting in your congregations. Unknown to you they will be listening as you echo "amen", and that will soon silence their prayers. Their prayers to God for understanding and acceptance and for your love. But your hatred and fear and ignorance of the word gay will silence those prayers. So, before you echo "amen" in your home and place of worship, think. Think and remember, a child is listening."
The recent political donation scandal may have hampered my excitement of downtown's newest shopping destination's Grand Opening, but once the doors opened some was forgiven. This month the Target ban was lifted. (Four months was sufficient, trust me. A bonus side effect was that I saved a lot of money on gas not driving down to Fort Union since June.) I've waited years for this... and happy it's finally here!
Sometimes I forget just how amazaballs this Dollar Store really is; but usually by the time Halloween rolls around I'm quickly reminded of its awesomeness. I got all kinds of great decorations (for home and work) and some essential Dexter costume props ($1 body parts, hello!!) Took a few trips stocking up on the essentials for the big day, being just down the road from Target and all. I was already in the neighborhood. Man, I love a good bargain, and you can't get much better than just a buck!
This charming and lovely documentary follows the lives of four babies throughout their very different first years of life on Earth; Hattie from San Francisco, Ponijao from Namibia, Mari from Tokyo and Bayar from Mongolia. There is no narration, just you and the the little ones. And sometimes parents, chickens, cats and in one case a pesky older brother. This is one definitely worth checking out!
This limited-edition, seasonal treat single-handedly destroyed the previously scheduled and much healthier Lettuce October™. Thankfully they sold out quickly before they could do any further damage. But, man they were tasty! A little TOO tasty.
Live from New York. It's Thursday Night Live!(This special felt just like an SNL episode, if SNL was still funny.)I loved it!(East Coast -vs- West Coast... Spot the differences?) Tina Fey can do no wrong in my book.
Ohh myy Gaaahd... Ohhh myyy Gaaahd. I'm just so freakin' excited to include this hilarious cutie on this month's List. His SNL inspired 'Surprise Party' viral video had me in stitches. (4,551,635 views to date, and I'll take credit for a couple dozen of those alone!) He's become a internet sensation, and obviously for good reason. Well, that ... and he's funny too. I can't wait to see more from him in the future. I'm just so freakin' excited!
This marks my third trip back to the Windy City. It is such a great city and b-o-y do I need a vacation!(!!!!) I'm just so freakin' excited!!! Stay tuned for a full recap...
Each year my Ogden friends Brett and Mike throw a fantastic Halloween bash. So good in fact it's worth the drive all the way up to O-town. While the hosts (and some of their friends took a more Sister Wives themed direction with their look... I had another killer television costume idea on the brain. I've wanted to dress up like Dexter for at least two seasons now, and this year I finally made it happen. Armed with my bag oh tricks (just the usual chopped up body, syringe and bloody knife... and I even convinced We-Hate-Halloween Jake and Garrett to be my victims.) (See photo below for their amazing transformation!) I was first concerned upon arrival when I was greeted at the door with a "There's another Dexter already here. With a victim." but after meeting Dexter 2.0 and his amazingly superior latest kill (we'll call her Lila!) I was pleased so share the spotlight with my fellow lovable serial killer twin. You know it's a great costume when there's two of you! The party was great.. oh and my other TV Land BFF Liz Lemon also showed up. You know I'm in heaven when I can quote 30 Rock all night long. I look forward to this party each year, and can't wait until next year. Dexter out.
Dexter, Jackie and Dustin (Dexter 2.0)
Brother Mike and Sister Brett (1st Wife)
When Mr. Morgan Met Ms. Lemon (Emilie)
Victim 1 and Victim 2 (until they were recast)
I'm gonna get on Dammit!!
Mr. Maverick (Jeff)
Tonight's TV Listing: Sister Wives, Dexter and 30 Rock.
I got to continue my pre-Halloween tradition with my girls last Friday when I got to babysit them (so their parent's could go on a date.) Brylee was a little grossed out by the 'pumpkin brains'. And Sadee was such a great helper considering she's just a little baby. As I cut out the face she had a marker and assisted in the back and forth saw motion in the already cut holes. So darn for words. (I just wish I would have gotten some video!)