Sunday, November 30, 2008

Catching Up...

It's been a while since I last blogged and I have a good reason for that. I've been dealing with a killer sore throat for the last week-and-a-half. The cause of which was a big canker sore right on my uvula. (Even though I thought early on it was strep.) It doesn't seem like it would be that big of deal, but it was. My jaw and head ached and it killed to swallow anything. Anyway the good news is that finally-- finally I'm back to normal and can eat to my heart's delight without the pre-numbing routine I was getting down to a science.

Happy Thanksgiving!
Our family had Thanksgiving Dinner at my aunt Jolynn's house. It was nice. It would have been better had I not been fighting off the last bit of sore throat. I can't believe Thanksgiving has already come and gone. Where did this year go? Anyway I spent the rest of Turkey Day decorating my parent's Christmas tree and playing with my niece in her new kitchen play set. There's so much that I'm grateful in my life. It's nice to have a day to reflect on that even if the day doesn't always turn out like you expect it to.

Speaking of Christmas trees, I've been trimmin' the ol' tannenbaums like a mad man. Between work (5), my parents (1) and my own (2)... I've been a busy little elf. I think I only have a couple more friends to assist and then I can hang up the decorating Santa hat for yet another year. Phew! I must say I'm thrilled with how the trees came out... pictures will be posted soon.
I know I'm late, but gotta say... Yay Utes!
Utah 48
BYU 24

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