The Welcome Wagon crashes... and burns...
Thursday June 12 - The first two days at the cabin were rainy and quite moist (sorry, Candace, I know how much you love that word!) Building a campfire to cook Hobo dinners proved quite problematic. Damp wood will not hold a fire, no matter how hard you try! The goal was to have dinner waiting for Garrett and Jake once they arrived from Idaho Falls. Kim and I set up the table all fancy-like to set out a nice welcome for Garrett, who was joining us a day late. (Candles, oh-la-la!) He flew in from from Spokane from a business trip (Jake drove down to pick him up.) Sadly, after the difficulties with keeping the fire going, we got a text informing us that Garrett's plane was delayed. Finally, a little before 2:00 a.m. the boys arrived. We scrapped the campfire idea and went to Plan B. We threw the hobo dinners in the oven-- where a small grease fire started. Not the best welcome dinner ever, but sure made a hell of a blog-worthy memory.
Kim finds time to get all sexy in all the madness.
"Sorry, No fire guys"
Surprise Garrett's Here!
Fancy! (especially if you could hear the music in the background)
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