Saturday, April 30, 2016

LOVELIST | April...

After a threat from the tiger, Sheer Khan, forces him to flee the jungle, a man-cub named, Mowglie, embarks on a journey of self discovery with the aid of the panther, Bagheera, and the free spirited bear, Baloo.  As lovely to behold as it is engrossing to watch, The Jungle Book is the rare remake that actually improves upon its predecessors -- all while setting a new standard for CGI. IMDB/RT

When Michelle Visage, Alaska, Ginger Minj, Adore Delano, Phi Phi O'Hara, Violet Chachki, Miss Fame, Courtney Act, Pearl (whom I missed her DJ set, sad face) and current RPDR Top 3 finalist Kim Chi come to town, you can bet your bottom dollar that I'm going to be right there front and center. Well technically, to the left and slightly back.  Yas Queens, Come Through!!
Kimmy, Jacqueline, Titus, and Lillian are back for the long awaited return of Netflix original comedy Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt!   It's wacky, wild and as wonderful as ever (with a very 30 Rock-y feel this season--that is a compliment!) as we delve deeper into our favorite character's back-stories.  And Tina Fey is back as well, in a fantastically funny role. Hashbrown: Hilarious, golly darn it!

When my friend Greg introduced me to Lissie at her concert last year I became instantly obsessed. I was so happy to share in this month's show in the same venue with him where it all began!   We'll see ya next tour Lissie!  

Selina Meyer 2016

Mmmmmm.  Tosh's Ramen.  I have a new favorite restaurant--and I'm apparently not alone. If you go during peak hours expect a wait, but trust me it's worth it.  Noodles, Nom Nom Nom!  結構!

I stumbled on the Australian alternative-dance group's second album Bloom, thanks to the recommendation of a friend. (Hey Greg!) and loved it! Favorite Tracks Include:  Brighter, Like an Animal, Tell Me and Until the Sun Needs to Rise

A few of my favorite ladies just released some killer Spring singles and I've been enjoying them all month long.  Be sure to check them out! Pink's Just Like FireLadyhawke's Love Song and Tegan and Sara's Boyfriend.  Perfect addition to any pre-Summer playlist!

So, I know you're already going through Broad City withdrawals (me too!), so why not put that Comedy Central app to good use and check out the goofy stoner comedy trilogy Time Traveling Bong.  (It's only three episodes, so not much of a time commitment-- I know you already have too many shows.)  Happy 420!
Every once in a while a truly inspiring person comes along that reminds us what is truly possible when we don't let our limitations define us, and we just go for it! Deaf America's Next Top Model (and Casey's Hunk of 2015)  Nyle Dimarco is doing just that.  I don't watch Dancing the Stars but I'm sure to seek out the clips of his amazing dancing skills each week.  Just remember I was a super fan from the start.  Let the record state. #GoTeamNyle!  Watch a few of them HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE.

M83 are a French-American electronic music band who have released seven albums. I was hooked on their latest after hearing the first song.  Instant fave! Favorite Tracks Include:  Do It, Try It (the official song of the month), Go!Walkaway Blues and Road Blaster

 In the documentary Nothing Left Unsaid, Gloria Vanderbilt and her youngest son, Anderson Cooper to reflect on their extraordinary personal history. Born under a name synonymous with wealth, fortune and New York royalty, she has lived in the public eye for over ninety years, unapologetically pursuing love, family, and career, and experiencing extreme tragedy and tremendous success side by side. Now, through Gloria's charming and unique artwork, coupled with rare personal footage, and narrated by candid conversations between mother and son, we see her as never before. Gloria and Anderson tell the story of their pasts and presents, losses and loves, revealing how, in life, our family stories repeat themselves in the most unexpected ways. -RT

"One man's trash is another man's treasure."

In the month of trying-new-places and exploring undiscovered dining options around the city, I found a couple tasty joints.  Whether you're craving a burger or in the mood for a sandwich you can't go wrong with either Proper Burger Co. or Even Stevens.  I'm getting hungry again just thinking about it.  
No doubt, if you've received a text or message from me it was peppered with clever and awesome GIFs after I discovered GIPHY this month.  (Don't worry if you haven't yet, it's only a matter of time!)

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