Sunday, September 30, 2012

San Francisco Treats...

I had a great time in one of my all-time favorite destinations.
Enjoy some snapshots of my super-duper San Francisco getaway.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

♥LIST: September Edition...

After several year hiatus (too damn long!) I got to head back to the Bay area this month.  It was a non-stop holiday with plenty to see and do.  (Some pics will eventually find their way to the Blog.)  It was fantastic reuniting with old friends, and making new ones as well!   I even got to venture out for Monday afternoon of solo-site seeing which meant lots of walking.  For the record the Painted Ladies are not in Russian Hill. (Lesson learned-- but got a great leg workout with all those hills.)  Each time I'm there, I'm reminded on just how  much I love this beautiful, charming and quirky city.  There's just something about San Francisco.You can see why I left my heart there yet again.  I need to head back soon.  And I will.  Until next time...

Love List MVP, Pink does it again!  Her latest album was rocking my world this month. Some of my favorite tracks are The Truth About Love, Slut Like Me, Blow Me (One Last Kiss), Just Give Me a Reason, True Love...  oh there's too many to list.  It's amazing from start to finish. The Truth about it, is that I Absolutely LOVE it all!

For the record, I was TEAM PAM before it was cool or trendy to be Team Pam. But I must admit, she was the shining star of what was an entertaining season of True Blood. (After last year's slightly disappointing one, especially.)  But, I can see why so many of you jumped on that Pam boat.  Walmart sweatsuit anyone?  Anyway,  I was finally able to catch up on the most recent Bon Temps adventures thanks to HBO-GO on my iPad.  (Thanks Shila!)  

This boutique hotel located in the heart of Union Square (duh!) was absolutely charming and stylish, with a great central location.  I found a pretty great deal (all things considered) on Expedia. If you're ever in San Fran, I strongly recommend them.  They're the hotel with personality!  Just thinking of it makes me want to head back.  Like right now...

Mumford and Sons are, like, really popular right now; With their beautiful new sophomore album Babel, it's not hard to see why.   Über-obsessed with the song: I Will Wait, but the whole album is fantastic!  Great job boys!

One of the best things about Autumn (other than comfy sweaters and pumpkin flavored things) is getting new seasons of my beloved television shows.  September brought forth fresh episodes of Modern Family, Parks and Recreation and Up All Night.  Thanks to Hulu, it means watching them all on my schedule-- usually in a big comedy laugh-out-loud marathon. As for the rest of my favorite stories, they'll be back, come October. Not to spoil anything, but I have a feeling you'll be seeing some more familiar TV-land faces mentioned here next month! 

While I was in San Francisco I was dying to check out the amazing bands playing FSF However, sadly I missed Little Boots and The Limousines, but I caught Ladyhawke and she brought down the house.  Amazing!  It was great winding down a fantastic day singing along with some of my favorite tunes from the year!  

As you may know, my apartment's kitchen is undergoing a big long overdue transformation.    (I really do have the best landlords!)  Over the past few weeks, I've spent more time in the big orange box-store, than I think I ever have in my entire life.  Combined.  I used to get a bit overwhelmed when visiting HD, but now I could tell you where pretty much everything is.  No doubt I've still got several more trips left before it's all said and done.  So I'll put that new skill to use.  Speaking of, photos and updates to come as the progress unfolds.  

This treat is a trick and a my number one non-diet approved craving this month.  Shakes fist at which ever evil genius thought up this tasty seasonal treat.  You got me.  I have had moments of weakness. I'm not going to lie.

I'm watching...
and Loving 


I wanted to catch this blockbuster when it was re-released in theaters this past Spring;  but never got around to it. So when it came back on DVD I was happy to journey back to 1912 with Jack Rose and the rest of the passengers on the doomed ship. As you may remember, I'm fascinated by everything Titanic,  so this entry should come as no surprise.

Wow, talk about some vintage Spotify action!  I have no idea how I got on a Queen kick this month, but my work and home computers seemed to be playing their greatest hits in a constant and steady stream.  Nothing wrong with goin' a little retro now and then!

It's coming!  
Hang on tight!
Jumping in 3...2...

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Just Because...

 My Bubbas