Thursday, October 31, 2013

LOVELIST: October Edition...

I've been craving for more American Horror Story ever since Asylum ended earlier this year. That hunger even got stronger once all the incredible teasers started airing in September. Well, this season of AHS takes us down South to a house in New OrleansMiss Robichaux's Academy For Exceptional Young Ladies.  In addition to the always phenomenal Jessica Lange, Coven brings us Kathy Bates and Angela Bassett. All three are amazing and mesmerizing on screen.  I was instantly hooked, and every week that hour flies by in a flash and always leaves me wanting more.  On Wednesdays we wear black!  Won't you join me?

There are only a few things in life that matter to Don Jon.
His body.
His pad.
His ride.
His family.
His church.
His boys.
His girls...
And yes... His porn.

Very strong contender for my Favorite Movie of the Year.

London's neo-synth pop group Bastille began in 2010, first as a solo project by singer-songwriter Dan Smith, who later decided to form the band.  Flash forward to this month and they are my official Band Discovery of the Month!  They were in a constant loop for the past 30 days.  My favorite is Things We Lost in the Fire, but their whole debut album is equally amazing!

Just a few of the reviews I've heard about Gravity include:  "Jaw-dropping, eye-popping, spectacular, nerve-wracking, sentimental, thrilling, revolutionary, visual marvel, immersive, edge of your seat, cinematic experience."  I couldn't agree more. So be sure to head to the theater and get lost in space on the big screen; the closest most of us will ever be to experiencing the cosmos.

For the record: You know that I'm a crazy cat lad (Shout out to Mit and Mo!) but I also love the pups as well! (I love all our furry four-legged friends, what can I say?) but that being said, Kitties Rule... And Dogs Drool!  At least in this hilarious compilation that had me literally laughing out loud!

A treat... with a trick! 
(Sorry waistline!)

After their cave is destroyed, a caveman family must trek through an unfamiliar fantastical world -- and their outlook is changed forever.  The Croods isn't a Pixar film, but it's good enough to be one!  My nieces and I loved it!

You know me, I've been watching The Race since the beginning!  Of course when Logo started re-airing the first season, I had to re-tune in.  (At least to hold me over until January when Season 6 debuts!)  It's great seeing Nina, Ongina, Tammie Brown and all the other queens on screen once again.  (Yes, even Akasha... every cast needs a bitch!)  A nifty bonus, Ru gives us commentary via pop up video bubbles throughout the episode.  You're quickly reminded that there was apparently no budget for Season One (I think Ru used it all on camera lens Vaseline) and it is fun to appreciate how this little competition has transformed into the hit it is today.  Shanté, you stay!

Blue Plate Diner is a staple in Salt Lake City, but sadly I've been neglecting it, for far longer than I should have.  This month I made up for lost time with a few stops in for some delicious diner grub. Plus, it's highly likely you'll have some tattooed eye candy to enjoy with your meal.  Nom nom nom!

I had to go old-school and have Netflix actually mail me DVDs, so I could catch up on the goings on of Carrie, Brody and company in the thrilling Season 2 of this Showtime hit.  Sadly I didn't finish in time to start with the new episodes of their third season.  Maybe I'll just wait for it to come out on Netflix. Hopefully by then it'll be streaming and save me trips to the mailbox.

You just can't go wrong with Zachary Quinto AND Chris Pine in the same movie.  Just sayin'.

No Halloween season would be complete with out multiple viewings of the likes of Hocus Pocus, The Nightmare Before Christmas and The Adams Family.  In addition to all the fun Halloween episodes of Roseanne!  This year was no different!

Ellen has made it a yearly Halloween tradition of tormenting her writer Amy by sending her through Haunted Houses (See: HERE and HERE.) This year she took it to another level by including her scardy-cat producer Andy along for the fun.  Not once. But twice.  I can't tell you how hard I was laughing. There may have been a little pee involved.  (To be fair, I'd probably react the same way if I was going through a spook alley on camera.) Watch them HERE and HERE.  Boo! 

After all the hype over the past few months, these two pop princesses actually turned out some great albums that (gasp!) I actually enjoyed. (And played frequently this month. Don't judge!) They make for the perfect soundtrack to working out at the gym, cleaning the apartment or just singing in the shower.  Girl power!

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