Friday, November 14, 2008

Love List | Autumn Edition...

A big voice, a big apple and eight other big things I'm currently loving this season.

1. Adele
Adele's album 19 has been featured heavily and constantly on my current play list. The kind of music 'repeat' buttons were invented for. Such an amazing talent for such a young age. Trust me, I've listened to it over and over and... In fact I'm listening to it as we speak. For the second time today.

2. New York City
Breaking News: I'm gonna finally pop my Big Apple cherry on December 4th. I am incredibly excited. So much to do and see, thankfully I've got a real life New Yorker as a guide. Plus, what better time to visit the city than during the holiday season?

3. Daniel Craig
......I'm sorry, I lost my train of thought. All I can think about is stunning blue eyes right now. What was I doing again? Blue eyes, what? Blue eyes where?

4. Thursday Nights on NBC 8-9pm
Coming from a reformed couch-potato/tv-junkie, it's pretty impressive that there's really only one block of Must See TV currently. Come hell or high water, my Thursday nights are reserved for Jim, Pam, Liz and the rest of Dunder Mifflin and T.G.S. It's the funniest hour broadcast each week, well in addition to...

5. Kristen Wiig on SNL
...almost any skit that Kristen Wiig is in on Saturday Night Live. Penelope (the one-upper), Suze, Target Lady all leave me in stitches. Now that Tina has retired the Palin wig, and Amy Poehler is long gone, Kristen is the last shining beckon in a mediocre phase of SNL.

6. Seann William Scott
Yay, the dude-formerly-known-as-Stiffler is back with a legitimate hit with Role Models. It's good to have Seann back making the rounds and promoting his work again. Plus, I recently discovered that he's acquired some killer ink. Which we all know I love.
And if you didn't, now you do!

7. Lost! by Coldplay
The one song in addition to anything Adele (See Number 1) that I can't get enough of. So freaking beautiful!

8. Our New First Family
I simply adore the first family-elect. Dad, Mom and their cute-as-a button girls. Such a great family and residents of the ol' White House. What a milestone!

9. Rachel Maddow
Welcome to the boys club of John, Stephen, Keith and Anderson. I'm glad I'm not the only one who's found a soft spot for MSNBC's newest golden girl. You Rock Rachel!

10. My Christmas Tree for 2008
I had a vision of how I wanted my tree to look this year, but wasn't really sure if I'd be able to pull it off. Well I must be a trend setter or something, because I've found all the decor I need to make it the best tree yet. Stay tuned...

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