Monday, January 14, 2008

Rent This Today!...

I'm officially obsessed with this movie. I rented Once over the weekend and watched it on a continuous loop. I loved everything about it, from the simple understated story to the amazing music. (It got a 98% approval rating on, see... I'm not alone in my praise!) It's on my To Buy List.
Also, see Juno if you haven't already. I've already gone twice and am equally in love with this movie. And incase your wondering the ending of both movies get me each time! What can I say I'm adopted-- and I'm a sucker for romance.
P.S. Don't let the "R" Rating scare you away either. It's strictly based on a couple "F" words-- which are in a really thick Irish accent... you'll probably miss them anyway. And if you don't it's totally worth a couple hours of repenting.

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