Friday, January 26, 2007

101 Random Things About Me...

1. I love to make lists.
2. May favorite store is I'KEA. Followed by Urban Outfitters and Target, in that order.
3. I have a gym membership at 24 Hour Fitness in Sugarhouse.
4. Thai is quickly becoming one of my favorite foods.
5. I am adopted.

6.^ I love my ex's family more than words can express and still consider them my second family.
7. Growing up I loved He-man and had pretty much every action figure.
8. I have the habit of taking lots of pictures when I'm on vacation.
9. My cellphone is through Cingular.
10. As a youngster, I wanted to be a Disney Imagineer when I grew up.
11. Politically, I am liberal.

12. I have an oral fixation.
13. I was this-close to being named Kiel and nicknamed K.C. (My would-be initials.)
14. I love rollercoasters and thrill rides.
15. I was filmed for a TLC show called 10 Years Younger, but ended up on the cutting room floor... but you could see me onscreen during my friend's interview.
16. My first concert was Luscious Jackson and Live with my friends Steve and Kathy.
17. I believe that being spiritual and being religious are two separate and totally different things.
18. I am VERY spiritual.
19. I was born on July 19th.

20. ^ I share a birthday with Lizzie Bordon, Anthony Edwards (ER) and Danny Roberts (Real World New Orleans).
21. I am an excellent Christmas tree decorator; last year I decorated 10 trees.
22. I've got GREAT taste in movies after living with Michael and Kurt, not one, but two film majors.

23. Long Island Iced Teas are probably my drink of choice, but Gin & Tonics (with lime) could be challenging that.

24. ^ My Cabbage Patch Kid growing up was named Cornel Stephen.
25. My 4th grade penpal was a boy from Georgia named Cornelius Lewis.
26. To date, I have never lived outside of Utah.
27. I still have the little cast from when I broke my arm at age 4 (or 5) years old.
28. I've gotten mono and food poisoning, on two seperate trips to Portland while visiting my friend Renee.
29. I love to surprise people; the bigger the surprise the better!

30. ^ I would love to meet hang out with Ellen Degeneres.
31. I have the bad habit of biting my finger nails.
32. I love the flavor of cilantro and rosemary.
33. I have one younger brother, one sister-in-law, one niece, one mom and one dad.
34. I have 27 first cousins.
35. I have a hard time buying clothes that are not on sale.
36. I have exzema.
37. I was my class secretary my junior and senior years in High School.

38. ^ I can watch my Arrested Development, The Office and The Comeback series DVD's over and over and over again and never get tired of them.
39. My writing tool of choice is the Sharpie marker.
40. I love anything orange/citrus scented but I'm not a big fan of oranges (the fruit) mainly due to their texture.
41. I love to be in nature and connect with Mother Earth.
42. I had hernia surgery in 2000 to repair an injury I acquired five years earlier.

43.^ I kayaked for the first time last year when I was in Kaua'i.
44. My first job was at Soelberg's grocery store as a stocker when I was 15 years old.
45. My favorite season of The Real World was The Real World: New Orleans.
46. I am the complete opposite of my family members in probably every way possible. But I love them anyway!
47. I am a regular customer at Redbox.

48. ^ I got my first tattoo in Miami in 2000 while on vacation. I got my second (and much larger) tattoo at Lost Art in Salt Lake City in May and June 2006.
49. I've had three family dogs growing up; Toby (border collie), Buddy (chow/samoyed) and Sophie (miniature schnauzer).
50. I signed up for my Myspace account on January 23, 2005.
51. I signed up for my Blogspot account on January 9, 2007.
52. I used to have a fixed belief that I was a picky eater, but learned that 'not liking certain foods' is 99% mental.
53. I still do not like olives (black AND green) however.
54. I starred at the lead character in two of Kurt's student films "Stork God" and "Jack Mormon."
55. I love and thrive on diversity.
56. I really enjoy organizing and very good at it.
57. My Entertainment Weekly subscription dates back to 1995.
58. I had a letter published in Entertainment Weekly in February 2002.
59. I was very shy growing up.
60. I've never been in a car accident.

61. ^ I am practically blind without my contacts or glasses.
62. My favorite book is the Conversations With God series.

63. ^ I am quite possibly the best uncle to ever live.
64. I was on the seminary council (a mormon thing) my senior year of High School.
65. I have a very good credit score.
66. My bathroom decor theme is "Urban Nature" which features bright avocado green walls.
67. I am very allergic to dust.
68. I've only shared a bedroom with two people in my life. My brother when I was really young, and my friend Kurt at the Avenue's house.
69. I love the smell of leather.
70. ^ I have gone to the Sundance Film Festival several times.
71. I am great with children.
72. To date, I have 85 contacts in my cell phone; 15 of which start with the letter "J"; the most popular letter in my contact list. Followed in second place with ten "S" names.
73. To date, I have 534 songs in my iPod Mini.
74. I have flat feet and should probably be wearing orthotics.
75. My mom became the elementary school librarian when I was in 3rd grade.
76. I sleep with a fan pointed at my bed year round. Yes-- even in the Winter.
77. I have a membership to a website that would more than likely make you blush.
78. Cashews are my favorite nut.
79. I started shaving my head in January 2005.
80. I eat Lean Cuisine almost every day at work for lunch; chicken carbonara & sesame chicken are my favorites.

81. ^ I enjoy dressing up for Halloween with make-it-myself costumes.
82. I love fonts!
83. I find motorcycles incredibly sexy.
84. I drive a maroon 1999 Isuzu Trooper.
85. I won a trip to Miami on the radio seven years ago.
86. I have fantastic handwritting.
87. I recycle and am proud of it.
88. My grandpa's nickname for me was Lucky Louie because I was the 13th grandchild.

89. ^ In 2003, I was called onstage by a drag queen and forced to dance, at a club in Portland when my friend Renee lied and told them it was my birthday.
90. Although I LOVE them all, my favorite character on The Office is probably Phyllis.
91. I could never be a vegetarian; I crave meat too much.
92. I enjoy uplifting music from the likes of Josh Groban, Celine Dion & John Denver; and am not afraid to admit it.
93.^ The presents I give at Christmas always coordinate with my tree decor and feature handmade gift tags.
94. I currently have four piercings. The first, my tongue, dates back ten years.
95. Although I've never been, I'm fascinated with London and anything British.
96. I met my best friends Jake and Garrett on a road trip to a mutual friend's family cabin in Jackson Hole in 2001.
97. I change my Myspace page design every month.
98. I have three computers in my house, but only really use one of them.
99. I went through the Impact Trainings in 2004; and it changed my life. (
100. I AM a beautiful, giving joyful man of light. Thank you, I know.
101. I love myself more today than I did yesterday.

1 comment:

sarah marie. said...

casey i love you and i loved reading your list. i didn't know you were going to be named kiel! i love being one of your 27 cousins. and i remember you were on the seminary council when i won homecoming queen because you sent me the nicest slash cutest letter in the mail and i still have it.